study on finding measures for prevention and control of white butterfly eublemma amabilis moore which causes damage for lac insects ( 1971 – 1973)

Le Nam Hung

Nguyen Van Do

Every year Shellac production is seriously damaged by insects ( more than 30%, Le Van Giai, 1965) and mainly by white butterfly. Based on research carried out on this butterfly in China, Wang Kinh Ti ( 1963) expressed similar opinions.


After three years of raising white butterfly in the laboratory and experimental gardens (1971 – 1973), some results are as follows,

1. The white butterfly is a small species which is active at night, from 22p.m to 2 a.m. Females have 310 – 375 eggs, but they produce only 160-180 eggs. Eggs are scattered on the nest, with a maximum of 5 eggs/1cm2 and are produced just after settlement. In the early stage, young worms build a nest which can be easily seen.

At a temperature of 27oC, eggs developed within 8-10 days; larvae have 5 stages and develop in 30-35 days, and the pupae stage can develop within 11.5 days in 25oC conditions. One life cycle of the while butterfly lasts 60-70 days. In one year at Luongson, Hoabinh province, the white butterfly can produce 5 generations.

In 1972 in Maichau and Luongson, Hoabinh province, Lac insects were damaged by the white butterfly at a rate of 0.30 fly/1cm2. In Luongson where Lac insects were raised in great numbers the damage was less.

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