techniques of raising lac insects at quanhoa lac insect research station (thanhhoa province)

Dang Van A

Ha Van Thi


So far shellac production in Vietnam is still low and unstable due to short comings in the raising technique of Lac insects. Techniques relating to breed collection, breed raising, tending etc. in different seasons and on different tree species can still be carried out carelessly. To contribute to the solution of the above problems, research on techniques of raising Lac insects was carried out at Ngoclac ( 1971 – 1973) and Quanhoa ( 1974 – 1977) with close collaboration from Quanhoa Lac insect Research Station.


1. By combining the development characteristics of the embryo inside the resin nest and the correspondent changing characteristics outside the resin nest, with the local opening schedule of the insects and the indicating features of the environment for raising Lac insects, figures proposed for breed collection were given which can be easily used and which ensure the quality of breeds.

2. For short-lived Cajanus indicus trees, in summer, breed raising needs to be done in all the main branches, 1/4 of the length of each branch can be used for raising. In winter, when tolerance of trees is weak, raising is only done in half branches, so that trees can give a higher resin production.

3. Cajanus indicus planted in spring gives high resin production in the first summer, so raising of Lac insects for shellac needs to be done then. Cajanus indicus planted in autumn gives high resin production in the first winter, therefore, raising can be done in this season for maintaining breeds.

4. Phyllanthus reticulatus gives high resin production in branches with an age of 1-3 years the best being at 2 years.

5. In raising Lac insect breeds, good contact must be maintained for good settlement of larvae and efficiency of breed utilization. Lac insect breeds can be put in an iron or bamboo net to limit dispersal of the pest.

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