research on the mode of forest planting for mine prop supply

Cao Tho Ung

Hoang Minh Giam

Tran Ngoc Anh


The coal mining branch is increasing more quickly than the supply of mine props. But until now the mine prop supply has been taken from the natural forest, which rapidly diminishing. During 5 years from 1981 – 1985 the natural forest area of Quangninh province has decreased by 6 percent. The total reserve of wood decreased 45 percent. Speed of reforestation is very slow and the low rate of growth of forested area has not compensated for that lost by mine prop exploitation. Besides which without special areas for mine prop supply and with inadaquate investment for reforestation problems of mine prop supply have arisen.

The object for forestry is to have in the shortest period of time many large planted forests with a high capacity of mine props for the coaly mining branch.

Based on the economic target, the research problems are as follows: to find species for reforestation, the technical procedures and the mode of planting for developing an area of materials with high capacity and productivity depending on the natural conditions of the area and conforming with the permitted conditions of the economy.

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