biological characteristics of lac insects ( 1975 – 1977)

Nguyen Duc Kham

Le Xuan Nguyen


Previously, some scientists have paid attention to studying or summing up techniques of Lac insect raising in practice. However, these documents still have many limitations because the biological characteristics of the Lac insects were not fully investigated.


The research subject has found a preliminary solusion to the following problems:

1. Lac insects used in practice consist of not only one, but 3 Lac insect species. The species named Laccifer Lacca has two races which have different biological characteristics. M1 race is most frequently found in practice.

2. Reproduction: Lac insects have two types of reproduction, however our experiments showed that vegetative reproduction, continuously in 3 generations, is not normal ( this is also different from information published formerly). Lac insects can also reproduce with larvae. This is not a good phenomenon and often occurs in years with poor production.

3. Development of embryo: developing Lac insects have 12 stages, however, only the latter 3-8 stages are easily distinguished and are used as an indicator for supplying breeds. Moreover, it must be noted that temperature can change the length of each stage. In particular in those years with bad production, the tissue reducing stage can be very long. Therefore, predictions based only on the embryo morphology factor are uncertain.

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