Project: “Research on improving the economic efficiency of plantation timber value chains, meeting legal timber requirements and sustainable forest management”

GENERAL INFORMATION: Funding institution: Project level of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Project lead organization: Vietnamese Academy of Forest Sciences Project implementation organization: Forestry Economic Research Center Project leader: Dr Nguyen Gia Kiem Implementation time: 2022-2024 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES AND CONTENTS: Target: Assess the current situation and analyze the economic efficiency of plantation timber value chains. Proposing … [Read more...]

Project Potential Research at Ministerial level: “Research on production forest insurance and support policies proposals in some provinces “

GENERAL INFORMATION: Under research program: (of) Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Funding institution: Ministry of Agriculture & Rural Development Research lead organization: Vietnam Academy of Forest Sciences Research implementation unit: Forestry Economic Research Center Research leader : PhD. Nguyen Tien Hai Implementation time : 2022-2023   RESEARCH OBJECTIVES AND CONTENT: Objectives: Synthesize the theoretical basis and practical … [Read more...]

Forest Governance in Vietnam

Since the introduction in 1986 of the economic reforms known as Doi Moi, Viet Nam achieved remarkable economic growth rates that have contributed significantly to poverty reduction. However, the growing demands of industry combined with an expanding population have increased pressure on upland forests. Establishing an effective forest management system in this setting is difficult, yet essential. … [Read more...]

The role and development status of Dipterocarpaceae Family in Lao PDR

hanhsamone Phongoudom and Khamfeua Sirivongs Forestry Research Centre (FRC), National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute (NAFRI), Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF). Namsouang, Naxaithong, Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR; P.O Box: 7174, Tel/Fax.: 856-21-770892 E-mail:,,, Abstract This paper discusses the roles and status of Dipterocarpaceae family in the country, focusing on the … [Read more...]

Strategies for poverty alleviation through dovetailing the potential of microfinance practices with non-timber forest products from dipterocarps: Lessons from India

B.P. Pethiya, Indian Institute of Forest Management, Bhopal 462 003, India. E-mail:, Abstract Forests are generally considered a major environmental asset and also a secondary economic asset, particularly with reference to poor people, who traditionally depend on forests for livelihoods. In order to promote the socio-economic role of forests, particularly to address the subsistence economic needs of the poor, who are dependant on collecting … [Read more...]


INTRODUCTION Community Forest Management is a method of forest management with the participation of community members, aimed at sustainable management of community used (or owned) forests, meeting common needs of the whole community. In Vietnam, the relationships of population communities, clans (ethnic communities) and religion communities have been maintaining for generations. In the past, some ethnic groups had community-based forests, where they applied various traditions and management … [Read more...]


1. BACKGROUND The allocation of barren land to farmers for forestry production is an objective and urgent requirement, when there is a lack of farming and redundant labour land in mountainous and slopping areas. Therefore, since early 90th years the state has timely issued two effective decrees: - Decree 01/CP dated 04/01/1995 by the Government regarding the regulations on contracting land to state enterprises for agriculture, forestry and fishery production. - Decree 02/CP dated … [Read more...]

the assessment of the implementation of forest protection and management regulations in village communities

background Forest is a part of the vital environment, a valuable resource of the country, which has rich capacity for rehabilitation and has high value for national economy, for community culture, ecological tourism, for science researches, for national security and for the life quality of the whole national. The protection and development of forest resources is the responsibilities and duties of the whole society. In the last years, forest protection and development has drawn special … [Read more...]


1 GENERAL INFORMATION 1.1 Introduction and scope of the research 1.1.1 Introduction Today, many Asian countries pay interest in community forest and community forest management. In Vietnam. These issues have been researched and piloted in the mountainous areas and some foreign donor projects’ regions. The approach of community forest and community forest management opened a positive prospect to forest protection, management and development for Vietnam. Moreover, community … [Read more...]

Community forest management status in Vietnam and emerging issues

1. Background The implementation of the policies on multi-sector economy, and orientation of forestry strategy from State-owned forestry towards people’s forestry have emerged new elements, such as diversification of forest resource management practices. Community involved in forest management has been adopted as a practice attracting attention from central to grass-root levels. In Vietnam, community forest has been existing for a long time closely connected with the existence and … [Read more...]
