The project “Capacity and knowledge development for applied forest management practices for state forest companies and smallholders in Vietnam (PSFM2)” is being implemented in accordance with the decision approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development with No.4441 /QĐ-BNN-HTQT on 5 November 2002. PSFM 2 is recruiting national consultant(s) for “Conducting a study on options to integrate Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) practices into the Vietnamese Payment for Forest … [Read more...]

POLICY IN BRIEF – Call for a Tree Domestication Strategy in Vietnam

A national strategy for tree domestication is needed to guide efforts to promote conservation and use of priority indigenous tree species in Vietnam. - Investment policies are needed to support breeding production and promote breeds quality management. - Eco-physiological characterisation is needed to study a range of tree species that are well matched to varying environment conditions and climate change. - Conservation efforts should be performed at both genebank and on-farm levels in … [Read more...]

Vietnamese Academy of Forest Sciences and Korea National Arboretum signed an agreement to research biodiversity conservation between Vietnam and Korea period of 2014-2020

On 14/10, in Pyeongchang - Korea, on the sidelines of the workshop "forest seeds and plant conservation area in East Asia, Director of Vietnamese Academy of Forest Sciences, Assoc. Dr. Vo Dai Hai and General Manager Korea National Arboretum, Dr. You Mi Lee has signed a collaborative research agreement. According to the agreement, Vietnamese Academy of Forest Sciences  will carry out research in the field of biodiversity, plant physiology and functions of forests and forest vegetation … [Read more...]

The International Forestry Review – Sustaining Forests, Sustaining People: The Role of Research “XXIV IUFRO World Congress, 5–11 October 2014” (Abstract)

Source: (International Forestry Review) Abstract download Preface On behalf of the Congress Scientifi c Committee1 for the XXIV World Congress of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) – the world’s network of forest science – it is my pleasure to present this collection of abstracts of plenary, sub-plenary, technical, and poster presentations which constitute the Congress scientifi c program. These 2,430 abstracts represent … [Read more...]

List of new National germplasm and Technological advanced germplasm transfered to production during the period of 2006-2013

ID Name of new varieties and advanced techniques Origin results (Authors & Implementing organization) Applied location The main characteristics Decision & Recognition time Year 2008 1 National seed: artificial hybrid eucalyptusSymbol: UE 27 Nguyen Viet Cuong, Le Dinh Kha, Nguyen Minh Tri, Do Thi Minh Hien and Members of Research center for forest tree and Centre for Forest Biotechnology Tam Thanh-Phu Tho; Tan Lap – Binh Phuoc Tam Thanh - Phu … [Read more...]

List of Research Project and Programs during the period of 2006-2010 at Ministerial level

No Research Project anh Programs title Implementing Organization Research leader Implementing duration I Genetic conservation tasks       1 Formulate the projection on conservation of forest tree gene source Forest Science Institute of Vietnam Dr. Pham Duc Chien 2009 II The prioritized research project       2 Research on forestland classification for forest plantation of some main tree species  in the key eco-regions in Vietnam Forest Ecology … [Read more...]

List of Research Project and Programs during the period of 2006-2010 at State level

No Research title Implementing Organization Research leader Implementing duration  Total grant fund (VND Million)  I Independent research Project         1 Study on the science & technology and socio-economic's solutions for establishing plantations for sawn logs on forestland and degraded forests Silvicultural Research Institute (SRI) Ass. Prof  Dr. Tran Van Con 2008-2012  2.800 2 Study on the technology on … [Read more...]

Vietnamese Academy of Forest Science (VAFS) Annual report 2012

PART I. GENERAL CONTEXT, ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES General context: • In 2012, althought domestic economy was difficult but VAFS has strengthened and developed in the right direction of Resolution 20/NQ-TW of The Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam about science and technology development. • VAFS was awarded the Second Independent Medal; held successfully Conference on Forestry Science and Technology in North Central Coast Region of Vietnam and 30 year anniversary … [Read more...]

Forest Science Institute of Vietnam (FSIV) annual report 2011

PART I.  ACHIEVEMENTS, POSITIVES AND NEGATIVES Achievements: ·                The Prime Minister announced the creation of the Vietnamese Academy of Forest Science by upgrading the status of the Forest Science Institute of Vietnam, ·                Implementation a new five year plan for the period of 2011-2015, ·                Seventh year FSIV has successfully tendered for the establishment and implementation of scientific and technological forestry projects and being … [Read more...]

Forest Science Institute of Vietnam (FSIV) annual report 2010

PART I GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS, ADVANTAGES AND DIFFICULTIES General charateristics 2010 was the year to complete the 5 year plan for the period of 2006-2010. The Forest Science Institute of Vietnam (FSIV) has developed a Project to re-construct and improve the institute into the Academy. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) has agreed with the Project, and submitted the Project to the Prime Minster for approval. 2010 was the sixth year that FSIV had attended to tender … [Read more...]
