Ha Thi Mung1, Le Quoc Huy2
(1: Research Center on Forest Ecology and Environment
2: Center for Biotechnology in Forestry)
Two woody tree species, Lithocarpus ducampii A.Camus and Machilus odoratissima Ness, which have high a economic value are being harvested excessively.
Both of them are suitable trees chosen for planting in Vietnam, especially for improving poor forest. Some researchers have studied Lithocarpus ducampii and Machilus odoratissima since 1960, but most of these works concentrated in pilot plantings and field surveys. Therefore, research on basic biopsychology characteristics of Lithocarpus ducampii and Machilus odoratissima is needed to get information for planting techniques and to restore native forest tree species. Research materials are individual tree of Lithocarpus ducampii or Machilus odoratissima and populations in natural and enriched forests at 9 different sites (Hoa Binh, Phu Tho, Thai Nguyen, Ba Be).
Methods used in research are reference, field assessment and survey (Latin square- Mishra, 1968; Odum 1971, Rastogi, 1999 and Sharma, 2003), and data analysis (mean value, IVI index- Mishra, 1968, abundance value- Mclntosh, 1950).
Results of research show that Lithocarpus ducampii or Machilus odoratissima are suitable on sites which have and elevation of 200- 500m, 10- 25° of slope, rainfall of 1292- 2749mm/year, an average temperature of 21,2- 23,4oC per year, with the highest temperature being 36- 39,9oC, the lowest temperature being 0- 31,10C, the average highest temperature of the warmest month ranging from 31,1 to 33,10C, the average lowest temperature of coolest month range from 10,8 to 13,7oC, yellow brown feralit soil, dark brown developed in sandy stone, acidic soil, and poor to rich nutrient contents in soil. IVI index of Lithocarpus ducampii in researched forests ranges from 3,2/300 to 6,49/300 and Machilus odoratissima ranges from 4,9/300 to 10,33/300. Most research populations have a high competitive ability and diversity. Standing forests at Van Don- Phu Tho and Van Han- Thai Nguyen adequately supply seedlings for natural regeneration. On the other hand, forests at Chan Mong, Dai An- Phu Tho and Xom Luong- Thai Nguyen do not have sufficient seedling.
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