Vietnam Journal of Forest Science Number 1-2013

SOME RECOMMENDATIONS OF ACACIA AND EUCALYPT BREEDING PROGRAMME IN VIETNAM Nguyen Xuan Quat Reseach Institute for Sustainable Forest Management and Forest Certification   SUMMARY In the last two decades, 91 new advanced-technological varieties were approved by Ministry of Agriculture and Rural development. It has been contributing high increment of plantations in Vietnam. However, only 5 to 6 out of these clones (such as BV10, BV16, BV32, BV33, E6, PN14) were deployed. One reason … [Read more...]

Vietnam Journal of Forest Science Number 4-2012

CLONING AND SEQUENCING OF ECHB1 GENE RELATED TO MECHANISM OF INCREASING FIBER LENGTH IN EUCALYPTUS SPECIES Tran Duc Vuong1, Ohtani Misato2, Tran Ho Quang1, Taku Demura2. 1Vietnamese Acacdemy of Forest Sciences  2RIKEN Biomass Engeneering Program, Yokohama, Kanagawa 230-0045, Japan SUMMARY In this study, we cloned and sequenced a full length cDNA encoding EcHB1gene from Eucalyptus grandis. The EcHB1 gene is 759bp in length and it encodes a 252 amino acid protein. Alignment of the … [Read more...]

Vietnam Journal of Forest Science Number 3-2012

STUDY OF THE GENETIC DIVERSITY OF DIPTEROCARPUS ALATUS ROXB. BY USING RAPD MARKERS Nguyen Thi Hai Hong, Tran Nhat Nam, Nguyen Thi Le Ha Forest Science Sub-Institute of South Vietnam SUMMARY Assessment of genetic diversity for 41 leaf samples Dipterocarpus alatus Roxb. that were collected from 10 provinces of 3 forest ecological regions in Vietnam by using RAPD markers with 18 random primers showed that these samples were highly genetic diversity. Genetic similarity coefficients  … [Read more...]

Vietnam Journal of Forest Science Number 2-2012

NURSERY MANAGEMENT AND CULTURE OF BROWNLOWIA TABULARIS Tran Huu Bien1 and Vu Thi Lan2 1  Forest Sciences Institute of Vietnam 2  University of Forestry, Dong Nai Campus.    SUMMARY Brownlowia tabularis is a valued native tree species used for furniture and for decoration.  Planting stock is normally raised from seed in the nursery and this paper describes some of the processes for raising suitable planting material. The seeds of B. tabularis are only viable for a short … [Read more...]

Vietnam Journal of Forest Science Number 3 – 2006

Vietnam Journal of Forest Science Number 3 - 2006 Lats updated : 23 : 43 : 07, 02 / 22 / 2007 1. Acacia hybrid growth characteristics and yield at rotation age in plantations in southeast Vietnam Nguyễn Huy Sơn, Nguyễn Văn Thịnh, Bùi Thanh Hằng Nguyễn Thanh Minh, Phan Minh Sáng Forest Science Institute of Vietnam Summary Hybrid acacia in southeastern grow quite rapidly,, on average, an increment in diameter of 2.38 — 2.52cm/year and in height of 3.56 — 3.64 … [Read more...]

Vietnam Journal of Forest Science Number 2 – 2006

1. Five new species of Maclurochloa identified in Vietnam on the basis of morphological characteristics Nguyen Hoang Nghia, Tran Van Tien Forest Science Institute of Vietnam Summary Based on morphological characteristics (culm, branch, culm sheath, leaf) and flower anatomy, a key to the species of the Maclurochloa genus in Vietnam has been determined. Two species have one style (containing two stigmas) with one stigma originating from the top of the ovary. These are Maclurochloa … [Read more...]

Vietnam Journal of Forest Science Number 1-2012

Evaluation of[easingsliderlite] genetic diversity in Acacia mangium clonal seed orchards by using microsatellite markers Le Son, Duong Thi Hoa and Ha Huy Thinh Forest Science Institute of Vietnam SUMMARY Simple-sequence-repeat (SSR) markers were used to assess the genetic diversity of 100 clones of A. mangium growing in clonal seed orchards (CSO) at Ba Vi and Cau Hai. The mean expected and observed heterozygosities were 0.437 and 0.495 respectively.  The average number of alleles … [Read more...]

Vietnam Journal of Forest Science Number 4-2011

Field performance of several provenances of Michelia baillonii and Betula alnoides for sawlog production in Quang Ninh and Son La Provinces   Nguyen Hoang Nghia, Pham Quang Thu, Le Van Binh, Vu Van Dinh and Nguyen Minh Chi Forest Science Institute of Vietnam SUMMARY Currently Vietnam’s native forests and plantations cannot meet the demand for sawlogs, requiring significant volumes logs to be imported to meet that demand.  Vietnam aims to increase the local supply of sawlogs in a … [Read more...]

Vietnam Journal of Forest Science Number 3-2011

POTENTIAL OF  MELALEUCA CAJUPUTIAS A RAW  MATERIAL FOR MDF PRODUCTION Bui Duy Ngoc Forest Products Processing Research Division Forest Science Institute of Vietnam SUMMARY Substantial plantations of Melaleuca cajuputi have been established in the Cuu Long delta, Vietnam.  However, to date, these plantations have not been utilized to their potential capacity.  One potential use of Melaleuca cajuputi is as a raw material for MDF (medium density fibre board) production. An analysis of … [Read more...]

Vietnam Journal of Forest Science Number 2-2011

DIVERSITY of MEDICINAL PLANTS  IN MUONG TE DISTRICT, LAI CHAU PROVINE Hoang Thanh Son, Nguyen Hoang Nghia, Pham Quang Tuyen, Trinh Ngoc Bon Forest Sciene Institute of Vietnam Summary Total number of medicinal plant species found during the surveys conducted in Muong Te district, Lai Chau province is 213 species of 169 genera and 83 families. Among these species, there are 206 species (96,71%) of Magnoliophyta, 6 species (2,82%) of Polypodiophyta and 1 species (0.47%) of … [Read more...]
