Nguyen Hoang Nghia, Pham Quang Thu, Nguyen Van Chien
Forest Science Institute of Vietnam
Plus trees with the best growth and without disease damage have been selected from plantations, propagated by cuttings, and then put into clonal tests in order to choose the beast disease resistant clones for plantation. The 64 month trial included 70 clones, and found 12 clones which had annual increment more than 20 m3/ha/yr. Three of them have very low disease damage (a damage index less than 0.5) and good stem form: EF24, EF39 and EF55, with annual increment more than 27 m3/ha/yr. Based on trials established over the whole country with promising results, in 2007 four eucalyptus clones were approved by the MARD as technical achievements (disease resistant and fast growing breeds) for Southeast Vietnam.
The trial including 24 acacia hybrid clones (eight new clones and 14 clones approved by MARD, and two controls), established in Bau Bang (Binh Duong province) in 2002 showed that the two clones AH7 and AH1 reached high growth with an annual increment of 34,9 m3/ha/yr and 30,0 m3/ha/yr without any pink disease. Growth of AH1 and AH7 clones are similar to BV10 and KL14 (clones approved by MARD). The trial with 26 acacia hybrid clones, established in 2002 in Song may (Dong Nai province) also showed high growth of AH7 and AH1 clones, with 24,4 m3/ha/yr and 23,0 m3/ha/yr respectively. In 2007, the two clones AH1 and AH7 were approved by MARD as technical achievements (disease resistant and fast growing breeds) for Southeast Vietnam.
The trial including nine A. auriculiformis clones has been established in 2001 in Song May (Dong Nai). After five years all clones showed an annual increment of more than 20,20 m3/ha/yr and were not attacked by pink disease. Of these, the best two clones AA15 and AA9 showed an annual increment of 33,6 m3/ha/yr and 32,7 m3/ha/yr. The trial established with 13 clones on an old alluvium site at Minh Duc (Binh Phuoc province) showed that the best two clones are AA1 and AA9 with an annual increment of 25,7 m3/ha/yr and 25,3 m3/ha/yr. In 2007, the two clones AA1 and AA9 were approved by MARD as technical achievements (disease resistant and fast growing breeds) for Southeast Vietnam.
Latest news
- Project: Commercial-scale yield trial and completion of planting techniques for newly recognized acacia hybrid cultivars (BV586, BV376, BB055, BV584, BV523, BV434, BV350)
- Project: Research on selection and breeding of Acacia hybrid and Acacia auriculiformis for timber plantation in main ecological regions
- National seed orchard of Pinus merkusii
- National seed orchard of Acacia auriculiformis
- National seed orchard of Acacia mangium
Oldest news
- Selection of Eucalypt and Acacia clones for disease resistance and high productivity, period 2001-2005
- In vitro budding capability of Aquilaria crassna Pierre
- Micropropagation of Shorea leprosula (meranti tembaga) using a temporary immersion system (RITA system)
- Growth performance of some dipterocarps and non-dipterocarps planted from rooted cuttings