Atok Subiakto1), Chikaya Sakai2), Susilo Purnomo3), and Taufiqurahman4)
1) Forest and Nature Conservation Research and Development Center, Bogor, Indonesia
2) JICA Project, Forest and Nature Conservation Research and Development Center, Bogor, Indonesia
3) PT. Sari Bumi Kusuma, Nanga Nuak, West Kalimantan, Indonesia
4) PT. ITCIKU, Kenangan, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
Mass cutting propagation of meranti has been developed by the collaboration project between Forestry Research and Development Agency and Advanced Research Department of KOMATSU Ltd. The technology known as KOFFCO system (Komatsu-FORDA Fog Cooling system) is suitable to produce meranti planting stocks from shoot cuttings. The propagation technology controls humidity, temperature and light intensity to a level suitable for transpiration and photosynthesis. Supported by the JICA and ITTO, transfer of KOFFCO technology through training program and technical assistant to the private sectors among others PT. Sari Bumi Kusuma, West Kalimantan and PT. ITCIKU, East Kalimantan has been conducted.
Cutting production of indigenous dipterocarps species by KOFFCO system and conventional technique in West Java, West Kalimantan and East Kalimantan were highlighted in this paper. In Indonesia, cutting technique has been studied to 36 dipterocarps species namely Anisoptera marginata, Dipterocarpus cornutus, D. grandiflorus, Dryobalanops aromatica, D. lanceolata, Hopea bancana, H. gregaria, H. mangarawan, H. odorata, Shorea acuminatissima, S. assamica, S. balangeran, S. blanco, S. faguetiana, S. guisso, S. javanica, S. johorensis, S. laevis, S. lamellata, S. leprosula, S. macrophylla, S. multiflora, S. ovalis, S. palembanica, S. parvifolia, S. pauciflora, S. pinanga, S. platyclados, S. polyandra, S. selanica, S. seminis, S smithiana, S. stenoptera Vatica sumatrana, and V. walichii. Rooting percentage ranges from 0% to 99% depending on species. The technique is suitable for producing planting stocks of dipterocarps when seeds are not available, and for mass propagation of superior clones generated through breeding program.
Indonesian tropical forest has been unsustainable exploited for more than 20 years resulting of more than 20 million ha of degraded unproductive secondary forest. Meranti, a major commercial tree of tropical forest, has been the main target of logging activity. To protect the remaining tropical forest from total destruction, two important strategies namely (1) rehabilitation of secondary forest by enrichment planting using native trees such as meranti, and (2) establishment of commercial meranti plantation to fulfill increasing demand of meranti timber have been adopted by the Ministry of Forestry of Indonesia. The implementation of this program will include establishment of commercial plantation that will ease the exploitation of natural forest and at the same time will provide the increasing demand for timber supply.
Rehabilitation of degraded tropical forest and establishment of meranti plantation require continuity of planting stock supply. Unfortunately, there is a problem for producing meranti-planting stock from seed. Fruiting of meranti is irregular (Ashton, 1998), besides seed viability is short (Sasaki, 1980) and lack of adequate seed storage technique (Otsamo et al, 1998). So vegetative propagation technology offers an important solution to fulfill continuous supply of meranti planting stock.
Environmental conditions are pivotal factors for the successful of cuttings propagation. Water loss due to transpiration should be minimized (Grange and Loach, 1983), but photosynthesis activity should be maintained to produce carbohydrate for root formation (Leakey et al, 1982, Davis, 1988, and Smaley et al, 1991). To realize the suitable environmental conditions for cuttings, humidity, light intensity and temperature must be controlled. Forestry Research and Development Agency and Advanced Research Department of KOMATSU Ltd. have developed mass cuttings propagation technique namely KOFFCO system (Komatsu-FORDA Fog Cooling system) (Sakai et al, 2002). The technique controls humidity, temperature and light intensity to a level suitable for transpiration and photosynthesis.
Supported by the JICA and ITTO project PD 41, the KOFFCO technology has been disseminated to the private sectors among others PT. Sari Bumi Kusuma, West kalimantan and PT. ITCIKU, East Kalimantan through training program and technical assistant. This paper presents cuttings production test at the Forest and Nature Conservation Research and Development Center (FNCRDC), West Java, PT. Sari Bumi Kusuma (SBK), West Kalimantan and PT. ITCIKU, East Kalimantan.
Twenty four dipterocarps species namely Anisoptera marginata, Dipterocarpus grandiflorus, D. caudiferus, Dryobalanops aromatica, Hopea bancana, H. gregaria, H. odorata, Shorea acuminatissima, S. balangeran, S. guisso, S. javanica, S. johorensis, S. lamellata, S. leprosula, S. macrophylla, S. ovalis, S. parvifolia, S. pauciflora, S. pinanga, S. platyclados, S. selanica, S. seminis, S smithiana and Vatica sumatrana were used as cutting materials for mass production test.
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