Research on planting of Anisoptera cochinchinensis for veneer raw material supply

Bui Doan, Vu Duy Thong


I. Introduction

Anisoptera cochinchinensis belongs to Dipterocapaceae family the timber of which is of high export value on international market (especially in South East Asian Region).

Anisoptera cochinchinensis wood is much desired in veneer, plywood and ship- building industries (round and straight bole, few knobs and buttresses, wood: light, brilliantly white colour, log can be 0.7 – 2m. long, 40 – 60cm in diameter. A. cochinchinensis has been much exploited and is gradually depleted. Evaluation of the threat to some forest tree species in Vietnam by IUCN standard, 1994 (Nguyen Hoang Nghia, 1998) shows that A. cochinchinensis is highly threatened to extinction.

A. cochinchinensis is classified as a rare and precious tree species and needs conservation. In the programme of planting 5 million hectares of forest, the problem of native broad-leaved tree species draws great attention of foresters in our country. A. cochinchinensis, Hopea odarata and Dipterocarpus are native broad- leaved species selected for structure of planted species in South Vietnam regions. But till now, there has not been procedure for A. cochinchinensis forest planting serving production. Research on A. cochinchinensis forest planting is an urgent need and the research subject comes into being in such a circumstance and receives precious collaboration of many scientists.

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