Status of Research into Development of Dipterocarps in Indonesia.

Farida Herry Susanty

Forestry Research Institute of Kalimantan

Department of Forestry

Jl. A. W. Syahranie No.68 — Sempaja — Samarinda 75119 INDONESIA

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Tropical forests in Indonesiaare dominated by Dipterocarps species which is characterized by high diversity of species composition, growth pattern, site and age distribution.These conditions should be considered well in order to develop management tool for natural forest production such as setting up volume table.This objective of the study is intended to see “stage of art” of research on tree volume estimation of the forest in Indonesiauntil 2004.Various research on tree volume estimation have been conducted by many parties in several location in East zone, Ecotone zone and West zone in Indonesia with the purpose of improving planning in the management of forests.Procedure of research on tree volume prediction consist on : (1) Selection of trees sample; (2) Measurement of independent variables; (3) Developing appropriate equation/models.The result of study shows that for the whole zones in Indonesia, 82 Dipterocarps equation models from 17 province have been developed.Detail case study in East Kailmantanshow 14 Dipterocarps equation models in some forest areas specific (sites).In general the model of volume estimation equation of stand growth showing the exponential and logarithmic pattern.

Key words:Volume table, Dipterocarps, Volume estimation model

Chapter I



Natural forest modeling which build as a whole stand models view will giving diffraction of information.So that generally, its take from individual tree model or single tree model, both for considering distance dependent and distance independent parameter.Development and demand of tools availability in building a management system of natural forest for amenity activity by improving of quantitative planning activity which having practical aspect and fulfill validity standard, especially in toward produce natural forest management by empirically.This aim in order to supporting development of yield regulation software for the purpose of sustainable forest management.

Forest Management Unit (FMU) have requirement of data and information of condition and forest potency as base of arrangement the conception or forest management pattern which suitability with regulation. Besides requirement of technical aspect and human resource, available of quantitative tools in planning management is needed.Inventory of whole forest area being main input for forest planning in management unit to determination of Annual Allowable Cut (AAC).So that result inventory required have to be accurate and complete that produced by application valid method.Variation of forest type with characteristic by species or species group of tree and site specific location, representing absolute consideration in arrangement tree volume estimation tools in local specific.If a model or estimation tools of tree volume used by generally, hence of estimated result inaccurate (under-estimate or over-estimate).For the importance of obtained result validity, considered necessary to development tree volume estimation tools for each species or species group on each forest area.

Number of stems and basal area are the main parameter commonly used to describe the forest structure and to study its dynamics when equation for volume are not available.Both are relatively easy to measure and they can be considered as accurate.For the managers, the most interesting parameter is the volume because its gives a first assessment of the stand in the same value unit used for the long trade.For the researcher, determination of the Mean Annual Increment (MAI) expressed in cubic meters is an essential parameter to estimate the forest dynamic.In spite of this shared interest by many forester, the stand volume tables available by FMU are scarce.Often, its necessary for a given FMU to extrapolate volume equation compute for other region and thus introduce of error that not compatible with the wished accuracy.

Forestry Department at 1989 released decree No. 2113/IV/BPHH/1989 about determination of Annual Allowable Cut (AAC)regulation with considering the exploitation factor was 0.7 and safety factor 0.8. Thereafter pursuant to decree Forestry Department No. 131/Kpts/IV-RPH/1990 with covering forest Sources: 8th Round-Table Conference on Dipterocarps management planning and accomplishment of information in inventory activity for enter passing of produced natural forest activity, hence tree volume table become important to be develop in each Forest Management Unit.Development of tree volume estimation have to be compiled using tree data that collected in whole area of Forest Management Unit for being valid to application for that whole area.

Some reference that summarized mention that to more accurate the tree volume estimation technique were using tree volume table which build base on equation or mathematics model of tree volume estimation.Development of tree volume table arranged by species or some species (species group) that having similar log taper form.For more accurate application of tree volume table if used for just one species or species group in certain site specifically. …

Sources: 8th Round-Table Conference on Dipterocarps

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