Effect of trimming and mycorrhizal inoculation on the growth of Hopea odorata rooted cuttings Patahayah, M. and Lee, S. S. Forest Research Institute Malaysia, 52109 Kepong, Selangor, Malaysia Tel: 603-62797119 Fax: 603-62731427 E-mail: fatah @frim.gov.my Abstract A nursery trial was set up at the Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM) to determine the effect of trimming and ectomycorrhizal (ECM) inoculation on the growth of Hopea odorata rooted cuttings. This study consisted … [Read more...]
Effect of trimming and mycorrhizal inoculation on the growth of Hopea odorata rooted cuttings
Growth and photosynthetic rate responses of Shorea platyclados seedlings to nitrogen application
Introduction Shorea platyclados Sloot. ex Foxw. is a montane species which can be found in Borneo, Peninsular Malaysia and Sumatra (Ashton & Appanah 2004). The species can achieve diameters at breast height (dbh) above 175 cm. In Peninsular Malaysia, it usually found at elevations between 800 and 1,000 m, in the upper hill dipterocarp forest zone, where Shorea curtisii usually begins to disappear. Shorea platyclados timber is a light hardwood of the dark red meranti group. It is among … [Read more...]
Research on formulation of scientific and technological basis for supplying improved planting materials of forest trees
Le Dinh Kha and collaborators (1) I. INTRODUCTION Planting materials are one of the most important factors in forestry production. In recent years forest tree improvement in our country has been given attention . Some results from research on species and provenance trials as well as breeding have been, , put into practice step by step. However, forest tree breeding work , in general, still has many limitations. The subject en titled " Research on formulation of scientific and … [Read more...]
Development of technologies for improved propagation of Sinocalamus Aff Latiflorus McClure through cuttings/ tissue culture
Phung Cam Thach, Hoang Chuong, Nguyen Boi Quynh, Tran Van Hai South Branch of Forest Science Institute I. Introduction Sinocalamus Aff Latiflorus McClure (vernacular Tre tau) is extensively cultivated in the South Vietnam, especially in its Eastern provinces. Planted in home gardens, the bam boo has become a valuable asset of local farmers, because of its very rapid growth to mature sizes for soil conservation, water regime regulation, bamboo shoot production for domestic and … [Read more...]
Preliminary results of hybridization of some eucalypt species
Le Dinh Kha, Nguyen Viet Cuong and collaborators Research Centre for Forest Tree Improvement I. Introduction Eucalypts are a group of species that are widely planted in many regions in our country (especially in Central and South Vietnam provinces) to supply paper and particle board raw material, mine-props, constructional timber and firewood. These are also main species planted along the roads in rural areas, along rice-field bunds in the Red River Delta in the North and Mekong River … [Read more...]
Research on the selection, breeding and propagation of main forest tree species used in plantations
Le Dinh Kha et al I. Introduction The forest cover in Vietnam was estimated at 43 per cent in 1945. Through long years of wars, exploitative timber extraction and continued conversion of forest land to food and cash crop farming, it has shrunk to only 29 per cent in 1990, which has caused the Government to shape out a nation wide plantation programme to grow five million hectares of forest plantations, of which two million are mainly for timber production and one million for … [Read more...]
research on formulation of scientific and technological basis for supplying improved planting materials of forest trees
Le Dinh Kha and collaborators (1) I. INTRODUCTION Planting materials are one of the most important factors in forestry production. In recent years forest tree improvement in our country has been given attention . Some results from research on species and provenance trials as well as breeding have been, , put into practice step by step. However, forest tree breeding work , in general, still has many limitations. The subject en titled " Research on formulation of scientific and … [Read more...]
Breeding of Camellia oleosa having high yield for Lang Son area (1987 – 1990)
Nguyen Hoang Nghia Doan Thi Bich INTRODUCTION Camellia oleosaRehd. belonging to the family Theaceae, is one of the 10 major, oil supplying species which are involved in planting and exploitation research in the world and in Vietnam. Main product of Camellia oleosa is oil extracted from seeds, which is used as animal fat by people and can be used as raw material for some industry branches such as soap, pharmaceutical production. To increase production and yield of Camellia oleosa … [Read more...]
Propagation of Eucalyptus hybrids (E. exserta x E. tereticornis) by tissue culture
Nguyen Ngoc Tan I. INTRODUCTION Eucalyptus is a group of tree species which meets the requirements for fuelwood, mine-poles, furniture, construction wood, pulp, export and other minor products such as tanin and essential oil. Having originated mainly from Australia, they have been introduced into many countries in Asia, Africa and America. They are also used as a major planting species in many areas from North to South Vietnam. Eucalyptus grow rapidly in suitable sites, can easily … [Read more...]
Propagation of rattan (Calamus platyacanthus Warb.) by tissue culture
Nguyen Ngoc Tan 1. INTRODUCTION Calamus platyacanthusWarb. is a valuable species with many good characteristics such as being light, durable, flexible, smooth and easy to combine with other materials to produce handicraft goods. The species is used in preference by people in the country and for export. According to a preliminary survey, Calamus platyacanthus is one of 26 rattan species in Vietnam, which occurs at an elevation ranging from 100 m to 1500 m but mostly at 400 - 900 m, … [Read more...]