Vietnam Journal of Forest Science Number 2-2024

Vietnam Journal of Forest Science Number 2-2024 1. Nghiên cứu tuyển chọn cây trội Gụ lau (Sindora tonkinensis A. Chev. Ex K. & S. S. Larsen) tại một số tỉnh duyên hải miền Trung Research on selection of plus trees of Sindora tonkinensis A. Chev. Ex K. & S. S. Larsen in several Central Coast provinces Vũ Đức Bình Nguyễn Hải Thành Lê Công Định Lê Xuân Toàn Phạm Xuân Đỉnh Nguyễn Thị Thanh Nga Hoàng Văn Tuấn Nguyễn Tiến Linh Nguyễn Văn Lợi 3 2. Nhân giống đa tử … [Read more...]

Vietnam Journal of Forest Science Number 1-2024

Vietnam Journal of Forest Science Number 1-2024   1. New species, Impatiens lobulifera (Balsaminaceae) in the flora of Vietnam Bổ sung loài Impatiens lobulifera (họ Balsaminaceae) cho hệ thực vật Việt Nam Quan Ngoc Chu L.V. Averyanov Hai Dai Vo Dang Hai Nguyen Ha Van Dang Yen Thi Nguyen Ly Van Nguyen Cuong Huu Nguyen 3 2. Nghiên cứu tuyển chọn cây trội Tô hạp điện biên (Altingia siamensis Craib) tại 2 tỉnh Sơn La và Điện Biên Research selection dominant tree … [Read more...]

Project Potential Research at Ministerial level: “Research on production forest insurance and support policies proposals in some provinces “

GENERAL INFORMATION: Under research program: (of) Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Funding institution: Ministry of Agriculture & Rural Development Research lead organization: Vietnam Academy of Forest Sciences Research implementation unit: Forestry Economic Research Center Research leader : PhD. Nguyen Tien Hai Implementation time : 2022-2023   RESEARCH OBJECTIVES AND CONTENT: Objectives: Synthesize the theoretical basis and practical … [Read more...]

The Annual Steering Committee Meeting in 2022 of the AFoCO Project: Improving Pinus caribaea Morelet for Plantation on Degraded Land in Viet Nam’s Northern Mountainous Region

On 30 November 2022, in Ha Noi City, Viet Nam, The Forest Science Centre of North-Eastern Viet Nam (FSNE) that belongs to the Vietnamese Academy of Forestry Sciences (VAFS), organized the Annual Steering Committee Meeting in 2022 of the AFoCO Project “Improving Pinus caribaea Morelet for Plantation on Degraded Land in Viet Nam’s Northern Mountainous Region” that to be funded by the Asian Forestry Cooperation Organization (AFoCO). The objectives of the Meeting were to review the implementation … [Read more...]


The project “Capacity and knowledge development for applied forest management practices for state forest companies and smallholders in Vietnam (PSFM2)” is being implemented in accordance with the decision approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development with No.4441 /QĐ-BNN-HTQT on 5 November 2002. PSFM 2 is recruiting national consultant(s) for “Conducting a study on options to integrate Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) practices into the Vietnamese Payment for Forest … [Read more...]

Meeting with the Delegation of US Embassy

On 14 September 2022, the Vietnamese Academy of Forest Sciences (VAFS) received the delegation from the US Embassy and the US Forest Service to visit and work at VAFS Headquarters in Ha Noi. Members of the US side included Mr. Andrew Wylie – Vice Director of the Environment, Science, Technology and Health Service; Mr. Lee Schneckenberger, Fish & Wildlife Service; Mr. Ralph Bean, Foreign Agriculture Service and other representatives of the US Forestry Service. From VAFS, Dr. Doan Van Thu, … [Read more...]

Mid-term Workshop of the AFoCO Project “Improving Pinus caribaea Morelet for plantation on degraded land in Viet Nam’s Northern mountainous region”

On 27 June 2022, in Ha Noi city, Viet Nam, The Forest Science Centre of North-Eastern Viet Nam (FSNE), under the Vietnamese Academy of Forestry Sciences (VAFS), organized the Mid-term Workshop of the AFoCO Project “Improving Pinus caribaea Morelet for plantation on degraded land in Viet Nam's Northern mountainous region” funded by the Asian Forestry Cooperation Organization (AFoCO). The workshop was held to review the progress and achievements of the Project, also to discuss the implementation … [Read more...]

Inception workshop of the Project “Capacity building of wood ID for Vietnam toward development and effective operation of V-WISC in Vietnam”

On 22 June 2022, the Vietnamese Academy of Forest Sciences (VAFS) in collaboration with the United States Forest Service (USFS) organized the inception workshop of the Project “Capacity building of wood identification for Vietnam toward development and effective operation of V-WISC in Vietnam” to introduce the project, its objectives and activities and also to discuss the implementation plan of the project. Prof. Dr. Vo Dai Hai, President of VAFS, gave opening remarks Mr. … [Read more...]

Trajectories of deforestation, coffee expansion and displacement of shifting cultivation in the Central Highlands of Vietnam

ABSTRACT Production of commodities for global markets is an increasingly important factor of tropical deforestation, taking over smallholders subsistence farming. Measures to reduce deforestation and convert shifting cultivation systems towards permanent crops have recently been strengthened in several countries. But these changes have variable environmental and social impacts, including on ethnic minorities. In Vietnam, although a forest transition – i.e. shift from shrinking to expanding … [Read more...]

Vietnam Journal of Forest Science Number 1-2011

1. STUDY ON SILVIC CHARACTERISTICS OF SOME MAIN FOREST ECOSYSTEMS OF VIETNAM  Tran Van Con Forest Science Instititute of Vietnam SUMMARY Successful implementation of sustainable forest management in the operational level relies on the understanding of process which occurs in natural forest ecosystems and their response to intervention. The natural forests in Vietnam have been managed for over four decades but the knowledge of such process is still limited due to a lack of data derived from … [Read more...]
