Propagation of rattan (Calamus platyacanthus Warb.) by tissue culture

Nguyen Ngoc Tan


Calamus platyacanthusWarb. is a valuable species with many good characteristics such as being light, durable, flexible, smooth and easy to combine with other materials to produce handicraft goods. The species is used in preference by people in the country and for export. According to a preliminary survey, Calamus platyacanthus is one of 26 rattan species in Vietnam, which occurs at an elevation ranging from 100 m to 1500 m but mostly at 400 – 900 m, along the valleys between hills and at the foot and slope of stone mountains. The plants grow and develop slowly. They can produce new shoots only after 3- 4 years, however, only 2- 6 shoots can be found in each clump. They will flower and set fruit after reaching 10 years of age. Because the species has been exploited mainly from natural forests, its resource is nearly exhausted is difficult to exploit and is also danger of extinction.

To maintain and develop this valuable resource, we have conducted some initial studies on propagation of Calamus platyacanthus to determine the ability for plantlet production and multiplication by tissue culture. This method has been applied in many countries and has proved highly effective.

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